Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sassy Suggestion Quatre

I feel its time for me to continue with my making-2012-count theme since I am not dying after all. Phew! And for the record, no one ever told me I was dying...except for Dr. Google which I happened to listen to more so than say....my real Dr's.

Anywho, folks. The point is, I don't have any excuses at the moment as to why I can't continue to be a productive part of society. And you don't either! So, put that tub of ice cream down and make your mark on the world! And by mark, I mean minuscule-smaller-than-microscopic-mark. But let's not get caught up in the details...size doesn't matter, err...umm, some sizes matter...orrr, ugh whatev. You know what I'm trying to say.

Sassy Suggestion 4

  I found out about this little pumpkin pie organization through Fairy DogParents. It is a place that rescues senior dogs called Muttville.org, Senior Dog Rescue. How sweet is that?! They are in the running for $10,000 that will go to their organization to help them continue to help older dogs. What if nobody wanted you because you were getting old?? Hmm, we would be expecting someone to help us wouldn't we?? Most of the time, that someone comes in the form of a lawyer suing the pants off our ex-husbands after they leave us for a younger woman, but in this case, it happens to be this little gem of an organization.

Do it in the name of everyone who ever has and ever will get abandoned because their face is falling...or just do it because you think it is unfair that dogs get put to sleep simply because they are a little older.

All you have to do is click the link for >>> Muttville.org and watch the slideshow. The number of views will help them win the contest for the $10K.

Please be a doll, or a ken, and help these sweet dogs. If you don't, I will believe that you also wouldn't help a sweet old lady trying to cross the road. And furthermore, I will believe that you would steal her purse as she crosses.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's me again...read crazies here!

In case you were wondering where the world's biggest cynic has been (yea right...), don't wonder any longer, because I'm going update you in the next few blogs. And I'll even add a few pictures in for those of you that get bored with my long-winded descriptions of how insane I am!

It has been really busy. It's funny that when we lived in Korea, not one person boarded that 16 hour flight to hell and showed up on our doorstep all bright-eyed and smiling, but let us move to Southern California and relatives and friends are coming out of the wood works with their little rolling suitcases and flippy floppies. You would think we suddenly ran into some money or something because of the cousins I have been informed I have that are wanting to "reconnect" (umm, I am pretty sure in order to "re" connect, you have to have connected at some point or at least have known they existed). Anyway, the point is...we've had some visitors. And after the bitter cold Korean year that left me quite perplexed as to why every time I asked a friend or family member about coming to visit us, I heard a faint sound of crickets chirping on the other end of the phone, followed by the line going dead (You know who you are, bitches!), I have to admit that its been nice having long lost family show up at the airport in San Diego.

But, really, this hotel is booked! So if you're planning on making a trip, call us and get a reservation first.

Moving on....

In case you have been worried about my impending death (due to my breakdown in this blog)...don't worry, I am actually okay. After thousands of tests (5) on my pancreas. Bleh, don't even like the stupid word anymore. I mean, really, who has an issue with their pancreas?? It was ridiculous and I was honestly embarrassed that I owned this so-called body of mine for a hot minute. Anyway, not to bore you with the gore, but basically, I could have either had cancer (holyy balls!) or just born weird..and all sorts of things in between. So, after some really nerve wracking tests and waiting for the results, I learned that I was just born different. Really? Tell me something I didn't know, Dr. But it turns out, that along with my less-than-normal-brain-that-makes-me-strange, my pancreas decided to get on board the crazy train and be a little different too. I have something 10% of people have, with symptoms that 1% percent of those 10% of people have. Wow. So, I'm basically an anomaly, born straight from Pluto or something. Pshhht. Whatever. And to top it off **close your ears boys** I have to have surgery on my flipping female parts because they are apparently retarded too. Woo whoo! I am so excited to be me. Again, whatever. I'm just thankful nothing is killing me at this point. And if you have any time, thoughts are well wishes should go to my husband...who has endured many nights of google (that is, I sat at the computer and googled my symptoms, then cried hysterically at the possibilities of dying and leaving Zeus and Fritz alone...Wow.) Next, you should think about my poor mother, who got phone calls in the middle of the night on her side of the country with me in the lobby of a hospital crying and refusing to drink this disgusting substance I had to drink in order for the Dr to perform my tests...and by crying I mean, complete with cuss words and hanging up on her...Listen, I have warned every single one of you that I am crazy, so please don't even look at me like that. Next, My mother-in-law has gotten her fair share of freak out phone calls of me planning my funeral. Finally, my nurse Kathy that went above and beyond with talking me off the ledge numerous times throughout this process (only after my poor husband had to call her almost weekly to tell her what a babbling lunatic I was being).

Geez...so anyway...while my family members didn't get any gifts of appreciation, I did make a little gift for my nurse. Isn't is so cute!? :) She is amazeballs.

(Not that you aren't, husband, mother-in-law, and Mommy!) But you get plenty of love all the time from me!...keep repeating that yourselves!

Check back for updates on recent travels....and!!...

Zeus and Fritz!! They are much more entertaining than I am anyway.

***edited to add, and rolling my eyes while doing it, we love having visitors. geez people. laugh much?***