Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sassy Suggestion Quatre

I feel its time for me to continue with my making-2012-count theme since I am not dying after all. Phew! And for the record, no one ever told me I was dying...except for Dr. Google which I happened to listen to more so than say....my real Dr's.

Anywho, folks. The point is, I don't have any excuses at the moment as to why I can't continue to be a productive part of society. And you don't either! So, put that tub of ice cream down and make your mark on the world! And by mark, I mean minuscule-smaller-than-microscopic-mark. But let's not get caught up in the details...size doesn't matter, err...umm, some sizes matter...orrr, ugh whatev. You know what I'm trying to say.

Sassy Suggestion 4

  I found out about this little pumpkin pie organization through Fairy DogParents. It is a place that rescues senior dogs called Muttville.org, Senior Dog Rescue. How sweet is that?! They are in the running for $10,000 that will go to their organization to help them continue to help older dogs. What if nobody wanted you because you were getting old?? Hmm, we would be expecting someone to help us wouldn't we?? Most of the time, that someone comes in the form of a lawyer suing the pants off our ex-husbands after they leave us for a younger woman, but in this case, it happens to be this little gem of an organization.

Do it in the name of everyone who ever has and ever will get abandoned because their face is falling...or just do it because you think it is unfair that dogs get put to sleep simply because they are a little older.

All you have to do is click the link for >>> Muttville.org and watch the slideshow. The number of views will help them win the contest for the $10K.

Please be a doll, or a ken, and help these sweet dogs. If you don't, I will believe that you also wouldn't help a sweet old lady trying to cross the road. And furthermore, I will believe that you would steal her purse as she crosses.


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