Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Don't be disgusting. *sighhh*

Let's talk about spit. Why, you ask? Because it is disgusting. And because while I was out running errands today, I encountered way way too much spit. I just don't get it. I was walking back to my car and I heard someone that sounded like they were dying. Like their entire insides were about to come out of their mouth. I grimaced and looked around, scared of what I would find when my eyes found the person responsible for such a horrific noise. I was convinced someone was dying or the parking lot was getting attacked by a bunch of baby Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs. I scanned around me and found the disgusting specimen of a person that was neither dying nor getting attacked by a dinosaur. What was wrong with him you wonder? Well, he had to muster all of his strength so that he could show the parking lot world what a man he was by gagging and coughing and finally spitting on the ground for all to see and inevitably for some poor soul to step in. Or hey, perhaps a toddler will drop his lollipop in your nasty bodily fluid, pick it up and start licking again. Don't gag. Or do, I did! It took me a full 60 seconds I am sure to regain my control and stop staring at the guy with my disgusted face. He looked at me quite a few times probably wondering what my problem was, but I held my ground. I was not going to let him get away with his filth without letting him know how gross he was.

Anyway, ladies...if your significant other does disgusting things such as spit in front of the world, can you please reign that shit in? It is your duty to make your man be less appalling and offensive to the rest of us.

If you are a guy that does this....please just go find a cliff and chase your spit off the edge. Nasty ass.

Thanks for tuning in!

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