Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Over. It.

Do you ever feel like your body is failing the shit out of you?? I mean, not just failing you, but really, really punching you with a fist full of suck right in the middle of your stomach?

No? Well, good for you. Bleh. Yes? Me too!!

This past month has been one of the most scary/disappointing/trying/emotional stupid months I have had in a long time. No, I don't feel like detailing it. I'm fine and I'm sure I'll blog your heads off about it later, but for now, I'll just say test after test after test for varying reasons and I am over it. And while there has been some good news to come out of the tests, its mostly just "This isn't normal." "This isn't working correctly." "This is doing a back flip in your stomach instead of the front flip that we like to see this particular organ doing." And blah blah blah.

Anyway, I thought that perhaps some of you have wanted to trade out your body for a different one before and wanted you to know that you are, in fact, not alone.

Ugh. Putting up my two middle fingers today. And, its raining.

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