Friday, February 10, 2012

Sassy Suggestion Trois

Not that I'm feeling extra giving or thoughtful or charitable lately, (read why here), but occasionally, I do come out of my dark-filled room where I pout and collect chocolate wrappers. Surprising, I know. Ehh, anyway, the point is....even when stupid/bad/sad things are happening, I (we all) have things to be thankful for. And let me tell you, I know there are people much less fortunate than me. So its time to remember that 2012 is supposed to be about being happy and making the world better in some way. At least for me it is, which is why I write this stuff. So, in order to keep my agenda, I've left my pile of Snicker's minis and my spot in the corner today. Yes, I eat minis so that I can have more than 15 of them and still feel like I have only actually eaten one candy bar. Oh come on, pick your jaw up. There are more important things to do than to plan a chocolate intervention on me today!

Sassy Suggestion 3

1) Donate you old, dirty shoes to Nike! They reuse your shoes for building things like playgrounds. If you don't want to help build a playground then you shouldn't smile, ever again! If you don't have any old shoes, then you are forgiven. This is so easy and I have stared, drooling at my pile of old shoes for so long and just had no idea what to do with them except Goodwill or the trash can. And I'm kind of over Goodwill right now. Just kidding, calm down. But I do think that maybe being a little more creative with your shoes is better.

2) Since I have been in a cloudy mood, well, forever now....Haha, nooo, for a couple of weeks, I need to focus on the reasons why my life is great. And honestly, there are so many reasons. So today, and for as many days in 2012 as you can, you should take a minute to be thankful for what you have. And yes, I know we all do that in November by celebrating the fact that we completely STOLE America from the Indians. And really, as great as that whole thing is and was, I'm thinking something a little different. Maybe you have a mansion, be thankful biatch! (rolling my eyes!) Maybe you live in a shack but have a nice bootay, be thankful biatch! Maybe you have a wonderful husband or maybe you have a father that loves you or maybe you aren't homeless or lonely. Whatever it is, I am sure that you have something that makes you smile every single day. Let's dwell on those things for a while instead of all the bobo things. (repeating this to myself 10 times)

"The key to happiness is realizing that it's not what happens to you that matters, it's how you choose to respond." *Keith Harrell (duh! just a reminder)

" a way of saying thank you to the world, and also a way of saying please. A pure, charitable gift will always be returned-many times over." *Suze Orman

1 comment:

  1. Are you ok? Seriously, this sounds just a tiny bit optimistic so somebody must have snatched your computer and ghost "writed" for you. LOL.
