Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday

We've been living in California for almost 6 months now and time has seriously flown by. Six months in Korea was like 4 years in America. Although, I must say that CA seems a bit like another country to me as well. People are constantly asking me how I like it...and if you know me, you know I can't really lie very well. The truth is that it's fine. I certainly do not see what all the hype is about. It's actually pretty chilly here to me, mainly at night and the "sunny" portion of "Sunny southern California" has missed a significant amount of work these past months. As of yet, I am baffled as to why its called sunny socal. Regardless, its a really nice place to live, especially Coronado. BUT...

I miss Georgia! I miss the trees, the grass, the night sounds, the houses, the people (wait, no..some of them)...I don't know. I am sure I am glamorizing it, but I guess that happens when you have been gone from "home" for two years. I'm still fairly new to the Air Force way of life, so I am not so go-with-the-flow as some of the more seasoned wives. I love that I have the opportunity to see and experience new places (since I was always that girl who wanted to leave GA forEVER for big city life...Ha!) but I guess we as people, tend to not appreciate or understand what we love and what we have until we don't have it anymore.

Moving on...

Zeus and Fritz update...

Fritz continues to pick fights with pit bulls and other horse dogs at Dog Beach, so we haven't been there very much lately. Cesar Millan, if you're ever in the neighborhood, feel free to come by and do some whispering to a certain 14 pound schnauzer who clearly has a demon possessing him. He also gets very spooked around kids which is not ideal. Going further, Fritz jumped up on the ledge of our rooftop patio, sending me into a frenzy. I mean, picture walking a tight rope and that's what he was doing. He got out of our gate and was trotting down our street following Luke to work one day, and has decided that he will only eat dinner in the middle of the night. In his downtime, he likes to hide behind the couch cushions...

Zeus had a hard time for awhile, one because his brother limits his ability to go to the dog park, and two he has allergies. Apparently, he is allergic to California. Hmm. The vet thought it was his food, so we changed his food a billion times. We are off of poultry, grains, and gluten for him, so we had to try the more rare proteins like venison, rabbit, and kangaroo. Wow. He is not only allergic, but incredibly stubborn and picky, so for a few days he wasn't eating. He does not appreciate the raw foods diet...or either he doesn't appreciate rabbit. Not sure which it is, but after his starvation bout, we brought home several different foods and put it all down and let him choose which one he wanted.

You mean all pet owners don't do this?

This was one of my low points during his hunger strike. Yes, I fed my dog with a fork. While sitting on the ground with him. Begging him to eat the rabbit.

He settled on the venison and sweet potato combo...for those of you dying to know. Haha!

Zeus' vet also scared me to death with a certain blood test that he had to have. Please catch yourself up on the story by reading this little nifty post. The blood test came back that he had NO ANTIBODIES for PARVO. Holyyyyy balls! He was not allowed to go outside except to potty and not allowed to be anywhere where there were other dogs (aside from Fritz). It was a terrible couple of months worrying about him. He had to get the parvo vaccine and then wait two weeks to take another blood test. This blood test would get sent to "one of the leading immunologists in the country" according to my vet, who would do research on Zeus' blood and let me know the results in two weeks. Seriously, high maintenance dog! If he turned out to be a "non-responder" then he would most likely get the virus and die. Thankfully, the test came back that he DOES indeed have enough antibodies to fight the virus. Happy day for me!!..and Zeus, who went to dog beach that day! All this kind of made me want to throw something at my vet though. She is so dramatic about everything!

I think that's about it for now...except that I am on my second car wreck since moving to CA. One lady backed into me...the other lady hit me from behind. Really people? Get off my balls.

One other thing...this Saturday is the 2012 Walk for Animals which we all will be in attendance...Zeus, Fritz, my I-inherited-two-dogs-and-now-I-have-to-go-to-all-these-animal-events-and-smile-because-it-makes-my-crazy-wife-happy-not-to-mention-all-the-donations-to-pets-in-need-that-comes-from-my-bank-account-mysteriously-husband, and myself will all be there with bells on at 7 AM. If you feel like donating to my walk, which, I mean, of course you do!! is the link :))


1 comment:

  1. So cute! I miss you guys so much. Sooooooo ready to be with you again!
