Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sassy Suggestion

January is a time for self-reflection and setting theoretically wonderful goals for ourselves. For example, this one side of me tends to create a 7 page report of what I should do or improve and hands it to the side of me that is watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians only as I am waiting for the next Real Housewives of I-dont-care-what-city-because-I-love-them-all to come on. I acknowledge the first four items on the list (all the way down to the one that says "do 100 crunches, squats, and lunges after your daily 5 mile run) before giving that crazy bitch the finger and going back to Bravo tv.

The point is people, New Year's Resolutions are one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of. I am willing to bet my new sparkly shoes that nobody keeps these stupid, dumb, waste-of-time, "resolutions". (Please do not even get me started on DIETS. A DIET will not keep you thin and healthy because one can only DIET for a certain amount of time before they give their "other side" the finger and grab three jelly donuts and a box of fried chicken as an appetizer.)

Phew. Now, that's not to say that I don't want to work on things. But I get bored. Very bored. With almost everything. Except Bravo TV or E! But I would never be able to commit to something extraneous every single day. I would never do it. In an effort to do something with myself and hopefully not bore myself to tears, I am going to write once a week about *different* things I can do between watching Kim's marriage unravel on television and clicking refresh on facebook that will satisfy Crazy Biatch with the 7 page report, while also hopefully impacting someone or something (big or small *and no, I am not referring to the size of the person*)  in a good way. Umm hello? You too! I mean I can give you directions to the nail salon, but I am not painting your nails for you, Miss Priss! (Similar to "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it?....nevermind, geez.)

Sassy Suggestion

1. Call a friend you haven't talked to in awhile. No, a facebook message won't do. Friendships are something we tend to let slide to the back of our minds. Until of course, someone gets broken up with and then all the sudden that long lost friend you haven't heard from in 8 months is calling you at 2 am and you're thinking "Oh hell no, I don't think so. I haven't heard from her in three years and now she's gonna interrupt my beauty sleep". Not to be sexist, the man version of this would be needing help with a house project or needing help moving. Anyway, you get the point. Don't be that person. You will need a friend at some point and you never know, they may need you right now. So call them.

2. I just cannot tell you the amount of respect and appreciation I have, as an animal lover for organizations like Fairy DogParents. I know that most people do not think to put animal's needs above people's needs, especially in times where everyone is saying things like, "I'm broke as a joke fool. I only put $7.68 of gas in my tank for the rest of the week!" or maybe you'd just rather have that $300 purse than donate any money to some animal you will never even see. But if you're like that then I think you suck donkey balls so get off my page! Okay. sort of just kidding about that. In donating to this sweet organization, you can help not only a dog, but an owner of a dog who loves them but can't afford to take care of them. Pay if forward people, gah! Didn't you see that movie!? It makes you feel better when you look at your puffy face every morning! Do it.

***If you have a Sassy Suggestion that you would like featured, please email it to with the subject Sassy Suggestion. This includes any organizations that are near and dear to you***

"Goals are tools for focusing on your life and for inspiring you to take action. Today, determine the worth of your goals...because everything you want may not actually be worth having." Keith Harrell


  1. Ok, yes, it was written for me too. Very well thought out and very comical. I choose to see it as comical.

  2. I love this!! Great minds think alike... I posted a blog similar yesterday!! I mean, not exactly like this. Yours are always funnier.. .lol... but quite similar nonetheless. :) <3 your blogs, ma'am.
